The Dog's Honest Truth

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest

Not just the name of one of my favourite plays…the importance of being earnest can never be over emphasised! Those of you who know me personally know that I have...

The Importance of Being Earnest

Not just the name of one of my favourite plays…the importance of being earnest can never be over emphasised! Those of you who know me personally know that I have...

Feed your dog well and prevent him from becoming a Desperate Dog..

Feed your dog well and prevent him from becomin...

I love good food as much, if not a teensy bit more than the next person and I try to eat really well; I always make sure I get at...

Feed your dog well and prevent him from becomin...

I love good food as much, if not a teensy bit more than the next person and I try to eat really well; I always make sure I get at...

Dot enjoys a field trip!

Dot enjoys a field trip!

Today we introduce you, to our Desperate Dogs family, to newcomer Dot Goodrich. Dot is a catahoula red leopard/fox hound mix [ the fox hound bit is a best guess...

Dot enjoys a field trip!

Today we introduce you, to our Desperate Dogs family, to newcomer Dot Goodrich. Dot is a catahoula red leopard/fox hound mix [ the fox hound bit is a best guess...