Three Dog Layer Cake

Three Dog Layer Cake

It's recipe time!
Today we are going to make a Three Dog Layer cake, a sensational treat on a cold winter's day and guaranteed to make all the family ask if they can have it again and again.
What you will need;
One portion of Italian greyhound in kidney failure called Jay Leno.
One 21 year old sex mad Chihuahua known as Busta Rhymes.
One beautiful disabled terrier mix called Sendak.
Spoon your beautiful Sendak on the bottom of your base, top with a dashing red football jersey. Be careful how you portion him later, this one melts the heart of anyone who gets a piece.
Sprinkle on your sex mad senior Chihuahua being careful not to let him ooze sex appeal over the sides.
Top with a hefty dollop of Italian Greyhound frosting for an extra dose of absolute sweetness. No extra sugar needed, he is sweet enough.
A couple of these ingredients may not appear to go together at first glance or when looked at individually, but when you look closely, and you mix them all together carefully, add a lot of love, a good pinch of comfort and a lot of freedom, they really are the perfect blend.
Now...who wants a slice?
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