Happy Thanksgiving from all at Desperate Dogs

Happy Thanksgiving from all at Desperate Dogs

Tomorrow is a special day here in America..we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in England but I love the tradition of taking a day in the year to gather with those we love and offer thanks for the wonderful blessings we have in our life.
Thinking about the holiday and how pure the sentiment behind it is, makes me ponder on our own blessings every year, and honestly, every year they just seem to get greater and greater.

I am so thankful to have this job and the DD family, who provide us with so much happiness, laughter, enthusiasm and impetus to go further and be better. Pete and I adore you all, you make us so happy and we treasure the time we spend with you, either at the Ranch or on this page.
It might sound tacky to call you our DD family but to us you are…we feel as involved in your lives as you do in ours, trust me. Every Sunday night, I wait for the pictures of Harley Purcell and his sister Evey to be texted through to me, because their mum knows I adore the fact that Harley is obsessed with Americas Funniest videos. It cracks me up and makes my weekend.
While I may roll my eyes and grumble like an old goat, I secretly adore seeing Dauber Haupt being dressed up like Elvis or Max Roberts with his ridiculous pyjamas on…I love it, I really do.
I’m thankful for Luke Whitleys mum who, after reading my blog last week, turned me on to great gluten free bread and made turkey, cranberry sauce, pork stuffing and mayo sandwiches [heaven!] a go for me this thursday night. Jamie…I love you for that.
I’m thankful for Maddie Olsen’s tongue [hilarious] Eleanors ear [cooky and yet awesome] Dot Goodrich’s love [and man, do I love her back!] Anna Bananas zany ever increasing number of spots [totally whack for a five year old dog, but okay…!] Hudson Williams cuddles [nothing like a young red nose pitt when you want to snuggle] Bentley Anderson’s handsome good looks that light my day when hes at the ranch [I love me a shepherd] Solo’s transformation that continues to amaze and please me, Khloe Horne who this year has become my new BFF, Karma’s mojo, a joy for all of us to see it coming out…Maverick’s snaggle tooth [hes such a chimp], Doak’s dancing [yes, this blue weim can actually dance]…Siri’s batman face.. Toby Martin’s time in the swimming pool…Lady Wilt’s bark when she thinks Im giving her a treat..Bella Lee who is infectious with her joy….the list is endless.
We may work long hours, but honestly, we get up every morning happy to spend the day with your precious babies and we are beyond grateful for the trust you put in us every day.
With this holiday being all about giving thanks, while you’re eating turkey with your families and counting your blessings, Pete and I are counting you all as our blessings and are thinking how lucky and thankful we are to be sharing this life with you.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow, please drive safely and save a huge chunk of turkey for your four legged friends.x
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