Frankie and Andy's Place Very Special Partners

Frankie and Andy's Place Very Special Partners


Here is our veterinary partner Andrea Haupt, explaining what it is that she loves about Frankie and Andys Place.

Andrea and our care team at Gwinnett Animal Hospital have a very special relationship with us; not only do they take care of all of our seniors' medical needs, they have also been extremely generous financially to our cause, raising funds and supplies through their giving tree program. However, the greatest gift that these wonderful people give us is their time...... Andrea has fostered our seniors in her own home when they have needed round the clock medical attention, she volunteers at the cabin, helps with transport and also takes care of their end of life needs. Having a trusted, caring veterinary partner who fully buys into what you are trying to achieve is fundamental to any senior dog sanctuary. Without Dr Churchill, Dr De Guizman, Andrea and the entire team at Gwinnett Animal Hospital, our seniors would not live as long, live as well, or be happy enough to spread the love in the way they do. This is truly a partnership of caring and love.

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Photo: Andy (of Frankie and Andy's Place) would most certainly have approved of Gwinnett Animal Hospital x 
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